Creation is God's first book

The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims God's handiwork.
- Psalm 19:1

This is my view this morning from the other side of the island. No one else in sight. God's handiwork for me alone.

The Celts believed creation was God's first book and scripture was God's second book. I heard from both this morning, the first as I walked the island in the early light and the second when I participated in worship at the Abbey this Sunday morning.

The pastor shared the story from Luke 7 of the woman forgiven. And Jesus responds to the Pharisee that those who are forgiven much love much. The pastor asked us what we are ready to offer Jesus and what offerings from others, like the Pharisee, are we overlooking? And just as important, how do we respond when gifts are given to us?

And then this verse from a closing song:

Lord of all beauty, I give you my all,
If I should disown you, I'd stumble and fall,
But sworn in your service, your word I'll obey,
And walk in your freedom to the end of the way.

This morning I hear God's first book quite clearly, and it helps me hear the second more clearly.


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